What is a multichannel contact center? It’s a way to meet your customers where they are. Contact by phone, or social media, chat, or email with a simple click. Modern lives are multichannel, and your call center should be as well.


Marketing is more than the phone, it’s interacting on social media, sending a timely SMS, following up on an email campaign. Your customers have multichannel lives, and you should meet your customers where they are.

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    83% of customers said they liked—or even loved—when a company responded to them on social. (Source: ExactTarget)

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    92% of organizations that consider customer experience as a differentiator offer multiple contact channels. (Source: Deloitte)

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    Research shows that 74% of customers are using 3 or more channels to access customer service. (Source: ICMI research)

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    52% say Facebook is the most effective social channel for customer service. Twitter follows at 25%, then LinkedIn at 8%. (Source: Salesforce)

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    55% of consumers are willing to pay extra for products and services from companies that are committed to positive social and environmental impact (Source: Nielsen)

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    A 1% improvement in first Call Response = $276,000 in annual operational savings for the average call center (Source: SQM Group)


  • multichannel contact center
    multichannel contact center
    Does ChaseData allow me to send mass emails using a set template?

    Yes, you can manage who you would like to send emails to through our search function, or we could send out single emails all from the agent screen.

  • multichannel contact center
    multichannel contact center
    Does ChaseData have a Chat functionality to communicate with our customers?

    Not yet but, it is on the roadmap for an in-house chat messenger. We do however integrate with the majority of website and landing pages.

  • multichannel contact center
    multichannel contact center
    Does ChaseData allow SMS (text messaging)?

    Yes, this is something that was recently rolled out, it allows your agents to message sms messages, even while they are on the call.

multichannel contact center
multichannel contact center

“The system is top notch, we came from using a open sourced dialer that had no support and would always crash, to this system that almost never hiccups and if it does I have the best support available just a phone call away. The team at Chasedata can remotely adjust the setting and have you up with almost no down time at all!! DOWN TIME = NO MONEY , CHASEDATA = NO DOWN TIME.”

Ocean Financing

  • Overall
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support